Jam™ Comfort Buds
Earbuds fit for an active lifestyle
Jam Audio was in need of a set of collar-style Bluetooth earbuds to fill a gap in their range of entry level personal audio products.
Research + Inspiration
The audio market is a crowded one in which originality can be a challenging proposition. The client provided some competitor’s products for reference, which I supplemented by gathering some non-audio product inspiration. For a wearable product like this, I focuses on soft forms and materials.
Through sketching and rough CAD, I explored a variety of form factors in search of a unique look. The key point of differentiation in my initial concepts was the ability to nest the earbuds into the collar for storage. The client was happy with the concepts and liked the nesting feature, but ultimately opted to leave it out in favour of the proven traditional form factor.
Final Design
After some final design adjustments and cost reductions, the design was ready for production. The Jam Comfort Buds were successfully launched, joining their extensive audio lineup.
Product photography: www.homedics.com
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